final fantasy XIII
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JF's Road Roller
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08-01-2009, 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by
As for Versus, I'm positive I read somewhere that it was going to be turn based. And I'd be willing to bet on that really. No point making two FF's, where both have basically the same combat.
Well judging from the amount of weapons the main character is given, I still think that Versus is going to be action RPG. Also, I found this in Wikipedia:
Within recent Japanese gaming magazine interviews, Tetsuya Nomura has stated that Versus XIII's gameplay will be a realistic derivation of Kingdom Hearts battle system with some elements of a third-person shooter aspect similar to Square Enix's Dirge of Cerberus.
PS: Here's a better video that shows FF XIII battle system. It's a video of the demo version which is included with the Advent Children Blue-Ray disc.
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