Originally Posted by shadowplay
KyleGoetz, I can't understand how you got that impression from what I wrote. It might be just me, but maybe either you like to pick apart things (you know, to notice all the details) and that extends to the way people talk or you jump to conclusions too quickly. In any case, I admire your knack for details. However, I never said what is avant-garde and what isn't and didn't imply avant-garde equals incomprehensible. I meant that they might be too incomprehesible AND avant-garde. I bet most generic pop songs are pretty easy to translate, so I was thinking her writing style might be too "experimental or innovative" (putting your little "English vocabulary lesson for the day" to use  ). Meaning... I just let it go, maybe it's too tiresome for people to attempt to translate it for me, so I decided to be patient and do it the old fashioned way - learn and do it yourself.
When I searched online I couldn't find any lyrics of hers at all, I tried to find them if they were available in Japanese but that gave no results either. So I've already crossed translations off the list, and I tried my luck here for a few clues as to what the song is about.
I am not being rude (I thought I'd mention that). This forum is incredibly useful and I don't want to pick a fight, but sometimes you guys start fighting for little things. It's such a good forum, that the above mentioned is really the only problem I see.
Xentron, thank you for writing back. Yes, I do agree with you on the first. It seems that aspect of language is frustrating but beautiful.
And you are right, I did consider that maybe she doesn't pronounce everything loud or clear enough.
Unfortunately, your attacks are unwarranted. I limited my response to "avant garde." I mentioned nothing about incomprehensibility. However, you responded to my talk of "avant garde" by "so it's that incomprehensible?" This strictly implies that I said "avant garde == incomprehensible."
I thusly corrected you. I didn't pick a fight. I was merely trying to offer an explanation as to why you can't find lyrics online. Heck, the artist herself won't even put her lyrics online (I went to her site to look).
Settle down, cowboy. There's no need to unwarrantedly get angry with me.
And I'm a graduate of law school waiting for the results of the bar exam right now, so of course I'm trained to pick things apart.

No hard feelings, buddy.