Originally Posted by vitteke
MMM : the first one mean freedom !
JackIsLost: A japanese friend of mine told me there is a tranlsation for 'makes your dream come true'. She has been in Canada for too long now and told me I should ask someone else to make sure she wont make any mistake.
why get a tattoo you don't understand? if know the meaning of it, dont i understand it ?
Because you cannot verify its authenticity, you cannot understand it no matter what you may think it means. Therefore, you do not understand it, even if you think you know the meaning.
Second, literal translations rarely exist. There are always cultural compromises.
Third, it's offensive because you're objectifying a culture because "oh man those chinky symbols are so cool (even though I don't know much about them)."
Fourth, DREAMS COME TRUE in English is just fine in Japanese. There is, after all, a Japanese band with that name.
Dreams Come True - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Finally, the teaching moment: ノー・ジャパニーズ. There you are.