Originally Posted by Tenchu
Well, I would beg to differ. But the point is, a retard don't pay the bills.
We should seek to cure all forms of dementure by curing the brain, and, in this case, not mutilating the body.
I know this is a bit off topic, but I`m going to reply anyway.
I would say it depends on the person and the level of retardation.
It`s very hard to see "kindness" in the actions of someone with a sub 20 IQ/DQ. This is infant level, and things that can be interpreted as kindness are often mere coincidences. There is very little comprehension of cause and effect - something that is key in expressing kindness.
30 to 50 and we`re talking early elementary school level as an adult. Incapable of life alone, and often incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong without frequent guidance.
I would say that between 0 and 50, there is little value for society as a whole... But there is as much emotional value to the family as there is with, say, an infant or kindergarten aged child. They don`t necessarily have to give back to be valued by the family.
50+ and things change. The low end of the 50 to 70 range are able to hold simple repetitive jobs with high supervision, and the high end can do so with minimal supervision. 70+ and we`re into "almost normal" range, up until around the 100 average.
You`ll often hear that the developmentally retarded are sweet, kind, and gentle... But that`s only half the story. Most 1st graders are kind and gentle too, until something makes them mad and they throw a fit. But it`s much easier to deal with the fit if they`re not bigger than you.