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Nyororin (Offline)
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08-04-2009, 06:31 AM

Recently, I`ve been pretty impressed with the selection of foreign ingredients and cheeses at Jusco, of all places. They`re been setting up corners for cheese and the like.
Aeon malls also now almost always have a foreign foods store - prices vary depending on which one they`ve installed.

And if those fail, you can usually order for much cheaper than FBC by looking for it on Rakuten.
(Plus safer - I`ve NEVER been properly charged by FBC. The first couple were minor overcharges, or a big pain with paying, or forgetting about my order but still trying to charge me. All fixed by their customer service. The last screw up they had me send the money, and then charged my credit card TWICE for the amount and refused to refund any of it, accusing me of trying to pull a scam... And even demanded I pay them AGAIN because they couldn`t find records of a payment. Seriously, I will never again order anything from them. EVER.)

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.
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