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YukisUke (Offline)
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08-04-2009, 06:32 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Pardon me for being smart and cunning. Didn't realize those were bad things.

America has all these things wrong with it and yet almost the rest of the world has everything about itself in check already.

But what do you know about the rest of the world? I don't mean to be so direct, but I feel like a broken record when I say, again today, that the people that say "I hate America" most often have never lived anywhere else, so you really don't know what it means to live in America and appreciate what you have until you have lived somewhere else.

Do you think as a person of color things are going to be "in check" in Japan? In Korea? In almost every other country in the world? (your words)

Get outside your borders and you will realize that no place is perfect. Either make it yours or move on. You are not proud to be an American, but you don't know any other lifestyle, so how can you know if you are not proud or not? You know how the rest of the world sees us? How can you know that unless you have been out there?
You have a point there. Sure I never lived anywhere else in the world, but don't you think that maybe i'm not old enough to go anywhere else? when I am old enough to do so and when I have learned the language, I'll move to Japan. I was planning to do so when I had the funds to do so and when I have the approval of my family. My parents don't want me to move far because they are very protective of me and they love me very much. I doubt they'll accept, but they won't try to stop me if it's my choice. And btw, at least other countries don't make your lives miserable because you're different. They like different. And like I said in my previous post, I stand by my opinion.