Originally Posted by YukisUke
You have a point there. Sure I never lived anywhere else in the world, but don't you think that maybe i'm not old enough to go anywhere else? when I am old enough to do so and when I have learned the language, I'll move to Japan. I was planning to do so when I had the funds to do so and when I have the approval of my family. My parents don't want me to move far because they are very protective of me and they love me very much. I doubt they'll accept, but they won't try to stop me if it's my choice.
So I am correct that experience leads to knowledge, but I am still supposed to respect your opinion, despite the lack or experience or knowledge.
I have a feeling you will be much more appreciative of your life in America after you get back from that first extended stay in Japan, which I am sure you will achieve if you are determined.
Originally Posted by YukisUke
And btw, at least other countries don't make your lives miserable because you're different. They like different. And like I said in my previous post, I stand by my opinion.
Which countries are you talking about? I hope not Japan