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Tenchu (Offline)
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08-04-2009, 07:38 AM

Originally Posted by YukisUke View Post
They treat us like we're not people, they are unfair to us in the justice system, educational system and in society itself. I'll give you an example. Two people, a white person and a black person, do the same crimes like robbing a store with a gun. They both get caught. The white guy gets maybe 5 years and is on probation after being released while the black guy gets twice that amount without parole. You're telling me you never noticed it before?
Have you ever been a victim of legal irresponsibility, or known some one directly who has?

How is their education system unfair for you?

I know the education system in the US is racist, but I didn't think it'd bother you. To get into some universities, people who are not white get an extra 5 free points on their entry exam. The reason is they usually score lower, and the schools were looking bad being full of whites.

Pretty unfair to any white kids who scored better than others, but, yet still can't go. Yup, racist.

... WTF is going on in this thread? Posts dissappearing. Anyway, if you care about racism, you'll notice it more in Asia. So I'd think twice if you can't handle America.

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