08-04-2009, 12:45 PM
What living in Japan is like varies greatly on what part of the country you are in. I spend my weeks living and working in the countryside, and I spend my weekends in Tokyo.
So far I enjoy living here very much. The people are polite and friendly, the cities are for the most part clean and safe. The food is good (though sometimes expensive), and there is always something new to see or do.
Television isn't all that great (not that I watched it much even before I came to Japan), unless you are an anime fan, baseball fan, or would-be cook.
The culture is interesting, but it's not my own. I can only enjoy it as a tourist or spectator. Coming to Japan does not make you Japanese, even if you learn the language, eat the food, and live the life.
Still, I have no regrets. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself very much when you come.