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Megabyte117 (Offline)
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08-04-2009, 02:11 PM

Fine I will. I'm not proud to be an American because as an American, we're looked at as bullies and people who look out for themselves.
I read somewhere that you're black and believe there is a social stigma that they hold. Are you not proud to be black because of a reputation you "presumably" hold? Besides, not everyone thinks of Americans like this. I've spent time outside the country (mostly Spanish speaking countries) and not everyone responds negatively to Americans.

Plus I'm of color and when you're living in the US, white people tend to make your life worse.
Wow. I have to agree with a previous post of Tenchu's, this sounds a bit racist. Having apparently experienced some type of racism I would assume you don't like stereotypes, but you're using a big one right now. My family has directly expereinced racism (they're hispanic) yet we don't hold a grudge like you apparently do.

Besides, racism exists everywhere. Not only in America. It's a human flaw, not simply an American one.

I'm not saying that all white people are racist, just a number of them. A big number.
Wow. This truly blew my mind. I would like to inform you that minorities, including African Americans, are able of racism.

They treat us like we're not people, they are unfair to us in the justice system, educational system and in society itself.
I feel as if you're speaking from the recent fiasco that was the Harvard professor... That was some BS. It seems as if you have quite a chip on your shoulder.

Two people, a white person and a black person, do the same crimes like robbing a store with a gun. They both get caught. The white guy gets maybe 5 years and is on probation after being released while the black guy gets twice that amount without parole.
It may surprise you, but racism exists in other countries. Instead of giving a hypothetical example, try giving a real one. A recent one.

Maybe you should look into that then. It's a thought. From what I've heard from my friend, his brother lives in Japan and they have those types of communities. Your word against his.
Again, this just blew me away. Obviously MMM doesn't know what he's talking about. Clearly those years he's spent in Japan have no meaning whatsoever here.

Yes America is flawed, but what country isn't? I love Colombia despite the huge drug problems currently occurring. Japan clearly has some social issues, yet I am excited for my upcoming trip.

Yet it seems to me you have some fairly unrealistic views of Japan. Hope you have a great time in Wonderland.

A lot of people got mad when Bill Cosby told black people to take responsibility for their lives and to quit blaming their troubles on slavery which ended more than 100 years ago. I think people of all races in America need to be responsible.

No. She believes America is a white country who stomps all colored people into the ground with their feet after stepping in doggy-doo. Of course, Obama is simply a white based plot cover up...
Obama isn't fully black.