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Nathan (Offline)
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Location: Canada
08-04-2009, 06:30 PM

Originally Posted by GTJ View Post
The plug is that iTouches can do everything a Jisho can and can't. Internet, video, pictures, email, calendar, weather, notepad (for new words!), games, oh, and music. That's what sold me.

Though half the reason I bought it was for the jisho program.
That's just it though. I already have a dictionary, and I do all my net surfing from the computer at home or at work. So I'd be spending ~$300 to gain a notepad.

Its one of the reasons why I haven't looked too hard into buying an iPhone or any other smart phone. Why spend the $100-300 up front, plus being locked into a $100*+/month contract, when I could just keep spending $10-20 a month with my current pay-as-you-go phone.

After all, all those objects that you replaced with the iPhone or iPod Touch don't just disappear from your possession just because you now own an all-in-one.

*Based upon prices for a viable package from the only carrier in Canada to carry the iPhone

Last edited by Nathan : 08-04-2009 at 06:35 PM.
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