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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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08-04-2009, 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by GTJ View Post
You'd be surprised, man. There's nothing I haven't found in that dictionary. My only complaint is every now and then the more complicated kanji don't register when I draw them in, but I've seen that happen on regular denshijishos also.

I've seen crappy iPhone apps and poor excuses for language learning software, so I wouldn't really back something this strongly if I didn't think it a quality product. If you have an iPhone/Pod Touch, I recommend checking it out.

Worse comes to worst, it's one less thing in your back/pocket, right?
My Canon has sample sentences for tons of words, and a very advanced kanji search where I can search phonetically by kanji that are parts of other kanji. Do iPhone apps have this? Just curious.
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