Originally Posted by KaiTea
I agree with you there!
And I have a question... what's an "adult"? I am not trying to ask a stupid question (which sounds like one); but what's the "adult" age group? Older than 30?
Because if so, then someone who is above 30-40 dressing "cute" is just plain wrong.
Hard to say. It's messed up. Honestly, I'm 22 and I find people my age who are still trying to dress like they're 18 kind of weird, not appearence-wise necessarily, but it's like, "no, you've graduated, time to grow up!". Someone 50 trying to dress like they're 18 is doubly freaky, but then someone 70 dressing like their 30? Well, that's almost kind of cool that they haven't submitted to the usual uniform of crimpalene and a perm. Twiggy's over 40 and she looks pretty damn good for her age and she doesn't dress 40.