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(#3 (permalink))
XxNikkixX (Offline)
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08-04-2009, 10:23 PM

Originally Posted by filiadragongurl View Post
Can you tell us your level? It's hard to take someone seriously if they haven't even made an attempt at learning something for themselves. I may add you to my skype later if I remember to when I get to my own comp...
I don't know exactly what you mean by "level". I guess I would consider myself a beginner, but I have the basics of the language down. I guess I should have made my post more clear, but I'm really just searching for a group of people who would like to get together and help each other with the language. You don't have to know Japanese, or English. But i just had an idea that maybe if everyone who put their knowledge of the language together and shared it, then we would all learn something.

Well anyway if you are interested, please contact me, and thanks for replying.
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