Originally Posted by MMM
Could it also be セィモン?
No, I doublechecked my knowledge of French orthography and pronunciation on Wikipedia to make sure I'm not screwing it up. If "i" is (1) not part of a digraph like "ai" or "oi" and (2) not nasalized (i.e., part of the "in" compound like in "lapin"), it is pronounced like "ee" in English "greet."
Thus, the "i" in "Simon" should be pronounced like イ.
French phonology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
French orthography - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edit On re-reading your comment, MMM, I must confess that I'm not sure how セィ is pronounced. I read it as セイ by accident. Or are you just toying with me? I googled for セィ and it looks like it's the same thing as シ.
In any case, I'll reiterate that (and I'm sure you'd agree), that if the accent is on the "o" in "Simon" like maybe an English "see MOWN" then you don't elongate the イ. However, if it's like "SEE mown" then it would be elongated.