Originally Posted by Yuna7780
I know a lot of small children who would be able to kick my ass in GTA if it were multiplayer.
That makes me sad.... ;.; They shouldn't be playing a bad game, and they shouldn't be able to beat me if it were multiplayer.
GTA 4 has online multi-player >.<
Once again..a topic was already made about this but, I'm going agree with MMM as I usually do. When I was 7 or 8 I was playing Tony Waks pro Skater 2 and Super mario 64...the most graphicly intense game I had seen/played at that time was Resident Evil 1..and even at that it was just zombies..which scared that crap out of me >.<
But, then again, I have to think about how much games have evolved since I was 8 years old. Loads. Thtas what keeps me playing them in fact..
I think that the Rape games should still be made because they help more then they hurt in my opinion, if I ever saw my kid that was under the age of 16 playing a rape game, I dont know what I would do but, you better believe it wouldn't be pretty.
The reason there made is for people with fetishes, people who think they might rape someone and have that sense of knowledge that it isn't right. so they take there fetish out on a game.
I'm rambling. [/post]