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(#37 (permalink))
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Salvanas (Offline)
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08-05-2009, 11:54 AM


Did this thread really need to happen, when we had one perfectly alive there? Using the search button helps.

Anyways. I don't feel that they should be banned. It's a way that people who have these fantasies (NOTE. Fantasies are not bad. They're just that fantasies. If they're acted out, then they are bad) to release.

Fantasies that are not released just build up, and get acted out.

Another argument against them being banned, is that regardless of what you do, an idiot will be an idiot. A game will not say "Hi guys. It's okay to rape people " Regardless of the game, if the person will rape. So, no. The game doesn't do anything.

Also, the argument your friend brought up, was brilliant and perfectly true. If games possess us to do things, then we should be jumping on turtles, picking up their shells and throwing them at other cars. The people who play Kingdom Hearts should be running around stabbing shadows with keys.

But no, wait, that sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? So does your argument that rape games causes people to rape each other.

I know people who play these games, and loli games. And I'm pretty certain, that they haven't raped anyone, or touched little kids.

There are warnings and age restrictions on them for a reason. A child cannot pick up a hentai game, and simply buy it.

Even if there are age restrictions, that doesnt stop people from buying M rated and up. I cant remember the countless times ive had friends buy me M rated games, cause im 1 year too young.... -_-"
That's much different than someone buying a child one.

Just to add, parents buy violent games for their children, but do you really think a parent would buy a child a porn game?

- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -
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