Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Going by the French pronunciation of Simon, your katakana is VERY wrong. It reads like the French "name" Saimon. Vowels in Japanese and French are pretty much exactly the same (well, simple vowels are).
French "Simon" is シモン (shimon) in Japanese. Japanese names should sound (at least in the vowels) very close to the originals. I believe the accent in French "Simon" is on the "o" and not the "i." If it's the other way around (with the accent on the "i" instead), then it would be シーモン. But I think I'm right, if my limited French amounts to anything. I'm going by my knowledge of names like Simone de Beauvoir
Nagoyankee is a native Japanese speaker and he also knows French, so he'd be able to confirm/deny what I've said if he ventures into this wasteland of a thread.
Well, I don't really know how to say my name in Japanese and with what you have written, you are very right. The accent is in the o in French but in English it's the i, so phonetically is sounds different. And you got it right with Simone de Beauvoir. Phonetically you just add the sound of the e.
So thank you very much for clearing it for me