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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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08-06-2009, 01:25 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I just want to make a distinction that fantasy and deviancy are not the same thing. I imagine everyone has fantasies and I imagine most people probably have fantasies that are a little deviant. However, just because a person has a fantasy doesn't mean they will act on it. Probably most people never have their fantasies "fulfilled" or even want to have it ACTUALLY fulfilled, as it is better as a fantasy than as a reality.

For example, the kissing on the beach scene in From Here to Eternity is considered a fan favorite because it is very romantic. Many women have said they would love to relive that scene. However rolling in the cold wet sand in your clothes and kissing while waves splash over you is actually not a very pleasant experience, according to the actors in that scene and those that have tried to repeat it.

That's part of the fantasy. So I doubt most of the people that enjoy rape fantasy software are really interested in actually raping people, but it is a fantasy that is realized in a fantasy world.

Like "moe" and cartoon girls saying "Hey big brother, let's play doctor!" Very popular stuff. Does that mean they want to have sex with their real life sister. I am pretty sure they don't. It's just a fantasy realized best in a fantasy world, not the real world.
I think I need to see one of these rape games for myself maybe. I'm imagining these rape games to be simulated rape. Complete with crying, pleading for her life, possibly some violence, maybe a gun or knife held to the throat or head or even a loved one watching... you know pretty barbaric and disgusting stuff.

I can't imagine rape depicted acceptable... I mean I'm aware of the whole power fantasy. It's not rape though because you tend to think of the women as complicit in such fantasy scenarios.
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