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Tsuwabuki (Offline)
石路 美蔓
Posts: 721
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
08-06-2009, 01:50 AM

I think we have a philosophical difference of opinion. You are internalising a label used on you by others. In a paraphrase of Eleneor Roosevelt, this cannot be done without your consent. If Japan is home, then the failure of others to recognise your contribution to the community, it sounds like a personal problem on their parts and nothing you need feel troubled by. I'm not like Mr. Johnson. I am acclimated, but not interested in the closeminded aspects of some Japanese personalities. This makes me a critical thinker, not foriegner, because in the end, the labels I apply to myself are the only ones that matter.
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