Originally Posted by seiki
I also see alcohol and tabacco as a controlled substance but they don't seem to alter your mind or activities as easily.
You're telling us that alcohol doesn't alter your mind easily? Have you ever smoked marijuana or drank? You are completely uninformed and you are doing exactly what the Government wants you to do: follow the herd.
Smoking marijuana is the most victimless crime around. The jail systems are infested with people who aren't criminals because of our obsession with "reefer madness"
Hemp and smokeable cannabis have been in Japanese and Chinese culture since the beginning of time, and there are obvious efforts around the world to end prohibition.
"Yet now Japanese cannabis culture is making a comeback. Many Japanese youths have learned to enjoy marijuana while travelling overseas, while farmers and universities are researching and experimenting with industrial hemp. Activists and scholars are educating the Japanese people about cannabis' history and beneficial uses, and more Japanese are seeing the prohibition of cannabis as part of unwelcome American influence.
Cannabis has grown in Japan since the Neolithic Jomon period (10,000 to 300 BC). The term "Jomon" itself means "pattern of ropes", which were certainly made of cannabis hemp. These ancient people lived a civilized, comfortable existence, and used cannabis for weaving clothing and basket making, as well as using the seeds as a food source. What isn't clear however, is when and how the seeds arrived in Japan.
Some scholars insist that cannabis was abundant in Japan before contact with China or Korea. However, impartial analysis suggests that, like much of its culture, cannabis was almost certainly imported and adapted from China."
They still grow hemp in several parts of Japan: