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TalnSG (Offline)
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08-06-2009, 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post

Because the only type of rape that is exaggerated, and over used, are female rape victims.

I mean, for example, how many times have you seen a male rape victim in the media? It's sexism in more ways than you'd imagine. And not just against women.

I'll turn your question on head actually, to drive the point home.

Why are women the only victims? Why isn't there any rape game where the woman is infact the rapist, and the man is the victim?

I can tell you now, that 90% of the answers to my question will be "Because men always want sex." But that's a typical sexist remark isn't it?

I'm always saddened to see a person bring up the sexism/woman card in rape situations. If I'm not mistaken, and I can remember properly, the statistics were that male rape victims were higher than female rape victims. I'll try to find the site, but I'm watching some TV at the moment.

Don't jump on the sexism bandwagon, please, Taln. You're so much more intelligent than that, and it's so much more deeper than sexism.
Salvanas, I thought you knew me better than to misinterpret my motivation behind the questions.

Your statistics are exactly why I raised the question. The games do not accurately reflect the crime it is supposed to be about, unless it factors in the assaults on men. And those assaults are perpetrated on men by both genders. You prooved my point that the games are extremely bias and prejudicial against females; by the mere exclusion of men as victims - incorrectlyinferring that males are too superior to fall victim to such assaults.

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