Originally Posted by YukisUke
Are you sure you would have told them to drop the bombs?? Just like that??  Well you know best I suppose.
That's just my opinion, but yeah, given the situation as it was, I'd say drop them. If even 1 Japanese leader changed their mind and figured America was bluffing or weak because they wasted a bomb on a demonstration, etc, then the war would have continued, the invasion would have gone ahead, and millions more would have died.
The other option was a negotiated surrender which would have kept the militaristic Japanese leadership in charge of the country, kept Japanese control over some of its empire, etc. Had that happened, Japan would not be the peaceful, democratic country it is today, but instead a military dictatorship. Chances are we'd have gone to war with them again after they rearmed and regrouped, just as we fought Germany again 20 years after WW1 because we didn't change the country and rebuild it as a democracy as we did with the Marshall Plan after WW2.