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(#143 (permalink))
Shikan (Offline)
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08-07-2009, 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by seiki View Post
The point is japan did not have to attack. They were under stress from embargoes but that is like saying that if your are 7 and someone takes your toy it is okay to go and hit them. It is not ok to attack someone when they did no violent acts towards you. The u.s. was justified it the bombing because it was attacked by japan even if it was a provoked attack.
I like your analogy about the 7-year old, but let's take it a little further to cover the entire scenario. You take the child's toy, the child comes over and hits you pretty hard (say, in the crotch), so you rip his arms off just to see him squirm. That sounds more accurate to me.

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