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(#44 (permalink))
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burkhartdesu (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: Alaska
08-07-2009, 07:40 PM

Originally Posted by seiki View Post
They just sit at home and wait to come down right. No they show up at my work place trying to order tacos.

Methamphetamine's negative effects include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Hyperactivity
* Irritability
* Visual hallucinations
* Auditory hallucinations (hearing "voices")
* Suicidal tendencies
* Aggression
* Suspiciousness, severe paranoia
* Shortness of breath
* Increased blood pressure
* Cardiac arrhythmia
* Stroke
* Sweating
* Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
* Long periods of sleep ("crashing" for 24-48 hours or more)
* Prolonged sluggishness, severe depression
* Weight loss, malnutrition, anorexia
* Itching (illusion that bugs are crawling on the skin)
* Welts on the skin
* Involuntary body movements
* Paranoid delusions

Heroin's side effects include but are not limited to:

* bacterial infections
* arthritis and other rheumatologic problems
* seizures
* strokes
* death
* physiologically and physical addiction
* collapsed veins
* infection of the heart lining and valves
* abscesses
* liver disease
* pulmonary complications
* various types of pneumonia
* a higher risk for contracting HIV, Hepatitis B and C and other viruses

Marijuana's side effects:

* Dry mouth
* Increased appetite
* Sleepiness
* Altered Time Perception
* Bloodshot eyes
* Compulsive urge to ORDER TACOS.
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