08-07-2009, 11:10 PM
Yes that sentence is correct.
According to a page in, 現代日本語文法概説, のだ can be considered a command. But the problem is のだ is also used for explanation and showing a reason ect. To me it makes sense to think of it literally but whatever way works for you.
Here is a J-J entry for のだ
o 「こうして独り住まいをしていると、ますます孤立感が 深まっていく―だ」
o 「弟の言うことを聞けば聞くほど、気の毒でしかたがな かった―だ」
(2)意志的な動作を表す語に付いて、その動作主の決意や 相手に対する要求などを表す。
(3)(「のだった」の形で)事態の説明をやや詠嘆的に言 い表す。
o 「一人思い出にふける―だった」
If you are confused even more, sorry! Just to make it easy I guess you can think of it as a command in certain contexts. By the way, there are A LOT of ways to show a command or some sort of command in Japanese, so be aware of that.
Last edited by Yuukigami : 08-07-2009 at 11:16 PM.