Originally Posted by bELyVIS
I wonder if all these people who think a landing on Japan, followed by house to house fighting in a country they never had been in before really would have the balls to jump off that boat? It's easy to be the General but hard to be a grunt. I wouldn't. Seeing someone die in front of you as you pull the trigger is harder than dropping a bomb from thousands of feet up and not seeing the look in their eyes.
They wouldn't know anymore about it then they would know a thought actually popped into their head. Having lived and been educated in multiple countries since i was 12 i have heard more conspiracy theories then i ever care to hear again about multiple important events in history. Usually people just grasp at straws and site this text or that text but never seem to nail down concrete proof for their speculations or the ones they are backing.
I could come up with conspiracy theories about every country put a nice spin on it and make it sound truthful its not that hard. Fate loves the ones that think they have the answers they tend to go down in flames faster than most and i tend to laugh because i have seen many many times.
Oh and 98% of the posters in here wouldnt have the ballz to invade their own neighbors yard forget about jumping off a boat in a hell storm of bullets and blood talk is cheap.