Originally Posted by Miyavifan
oh. I'm not sure if you are meaning I should be more helpful?
No. No. You are most helpful, Miyavifan. I didn't mean that in any other way than, I actually AM here to learn Japanese! Any help I can get is most useful!
The problem I have with the English language is that it is very easy to misunderstand someone from being serious or being sarcastic. This is a very common mishap that can turn a good conversation sour. Especially is you are from a different region of the country.
I'm originally from North Dakota, which is in itself, a big difference from Alabama. There are some things that I say that, down here, people take as sarcasm. Like when I reply, "Sure" to someone. A lot of people here, take as sarcasm. Like what I really meant was, "Sure, WHATEVER". Most people here prefer to hear, "Yes" or "No".
It's weird I know.