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clintjm (Offline)
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08-09-2009, 03:59 AM

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
It is necessary to back up what you say with evidence. Personal experiences are a start, but since I have personal experiences as well, that means you'll need to pair them with other forms of evidence. Articles, statistics, websites, scholarly papers. You make a lot of claims, but you do not back them up.

You yourself said you like to argue for the sake of being ridiculous. If that's because you enjoy seeing the reactions you get, then guess what, you're a troll.
I must be pushing your ego here...
Sorry didn't know Articles, statistics, websites, scholarly papers were a requirement for this forum... I'll get right to it professor..

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
I've taken child and adolescent psychology. This is a perfect example of where you make a pretty serious claim, and you need to back it up.
Was that the 3 or 4 credit course? Well I'm going to have to see your report card because you obviously failed the course miserably by posting such a ridiculous idea in this thread.

How can you pass through a doorway with a head of that size. The girls must love that big brain of yours.

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
Do you have any published work to use as evidence? If you can provide literature where it suggests this will have a permanent, detrimental effect on the child, please provide it. I have yet to see anything that suggests this, nor have I seen it in my personal experiences. Therefore, as above, until you offer me a body of evidence, I am free to reject your assertions as warrantless and unjustified.
I don't need published works to show what others have presented in this thread besides me. This isn't a large forum, lucky for you, or I'm sure you'd have more of response.
I'm sure most have not bothered to post a reply to a ridiculous plan. I replied because it hit a nerve with me. You say your younger highschool chums are too young to have children as a couple yet you come up with this mad plan.

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
The "jackass" was meant to match your absurd tone with my own, hence the rolling eyes. You started using the informal tone, I just replied in it.
No names were presented until "Jackass" so here is a tounge sticking out

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
You provide numbers without citation. Even if the default rate is 18%, or 20% if it has grown slightly, that is still 1 in 5 Americans. I wasn't talking about default anyway, I was talking about getting paid off. And you haven't shown those are real numbers yet. Evidence without source is just as bad as no evidence at all.
Oh my goodness do I need to site things now... goto Google and put in American College Student loan default rate ... you'll get what you need.

Whatever man... here is two thumbs up for you paying off your student loan. Good job... Good job. You are very responsible. vvvery responsible

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
Make claim, offer no evidence. Make claim, offer no evidence. Seems to be your SOP. You also have said several things I never did. From the guidelines on the State website there does not to be an issue that would match what you describe. I can meet all of the qualifications, as I understand them. If I do not understand them, well, that will be up to a State official to explain that to me. Why? Because that official can back up what he or she will explain with evidence.
Guidelines only get you in the door.
Anyway I've said my peace... Go for it.

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
I didn't ask for advice, I asked for thoughts. I said in the very first line that I felt Nyororin was the possible, and probably the only, exception.
Advice.. thoughts... same thing.
Don't post in a public forum asking for "thoughts" if you don't want them.. I mean this is a public forum.. right?

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
I am surprised every time I do so, thinking that eventually, maybe, people who are otherwise quite intelligent may stop thinking that "rugged individualism" can save everyone.

I was 23, and no, not all the answers, but enough to know that people who claim to be conservatives are not really fiscally conservative, and if America is going to spend under a political group, I'd rather it be for reasons I agree with.
That is what America was built on and the "entitled" crowd you support is what is destroying it.
Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
When it is possible for me to make a living in America, comfortably, I will return. The world is more than just the US, for someone who claims to have traveled extensively, you should know. So if the benefits I receive for my employment in Japan are better than the benefits I would receive in America, it is only economically sensical to move. Aren't you conservatives all for free trade and unrestricted capitalism, a la the invisible hand. In fact, didn't Reaganomics claim the be the return of Adam Smith to his rightful place? You of all people should be applauding my decision based on capitalist principles.
Another Reagan moment... There you go again. There no "given facts" here, no premises that we have accepted. If you are going to make a claim like that, you must back it up with evidence if it is to be believed. I am quite aware of the idea of the "best interest of the child" and I don't see, looking at any of the guidelines I have looked at, why I should be denied.

The world is much more than the US.. never said otherwise. But not what you make it out to be.

If you are saying that at 26, with college degree you can't QUOTE Make a living comfortably END QUOTE in the US then there really is something wrong with the world - obviously you were in Japan before the recession took hold. Maybe your idea of comfortable is different than everyone elses. Maybe there isn't any high paying ESL English teaching job in the US.

Can I quote "Mr Gorbacheve, tear down this wall" now?

Nothing wrong with working in Japan.. if its working for you absolutely fabulous and the benefits are more than just job related... no debate there.

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
You make assumption after assumption after assumption. I went to school to be an English teacher. Philosophy is just a hobby. Teaching is my career. I've also said that numerous times in other posts. I'm already doing what I want to do in life. Getting an MA will allow me to pursue teaching jobs that double my income. Most require just an MA, no specific one, and thus I am considering philosophy because I enjoy it.
Sorry I hadn't read all the post in this forum posted by you... sooo sorry. Just read the two where I replied.
You've proven my previous ivory tower statement is even more true now.
Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
If you were really interested in debate, you would offer unemotional arguments with evidence. You do not. Therefore, I judge that I am feeding a troll.

Trust me... I'm far from foaming at the mouth here... I'm watching a movie, glancing a novel and typing a reply with one hand to make it fair.

Glad you are making a good living there.. it is commindable.. plus if English Teaching is really want you want to do as career (a career is field of work you have chosen for life).. then more power to you.

Just try to stay away from what you are plan in this thread for adopting and adopt after you have found the other parent and/or have one on your own and making enough money to support the child. Its only fair to the child.

Oh and by the way... it was sweet of you to post a reply for Nyororin...

So sweet.
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