Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Japan turning anti-American?
Why not? Nobody expected South Korea to become very anti-American after the Cold War.
but you're dreaming if you think Japan will become anti-American in the near future anyway.
Now that the LDP is collapsing, there is indeed a greater possibility for Japan to become anti-American. Hell, some of my Japanese buddies are already anti-American. LDP is very infamous for doing shady deals with the American government for over 50 years. When things are exposed, there is a great possibility that Japan will turn anti-American.
China will always be a security threat to Japan and Japanese interests in the region so long as China remains a one-party authoritarian state.
And China should stay that way because I don't want China to become just like South Korea: dysfunction-ally democratic, semi-borderline autocratic for over 50 years.
The same goes for South Korea. The only thing stopping North Korea from launching an attack on the South is the threat of overwhelming US retaliation.
Most of the crisis in 2009 is based around the Kaesong Industrial Park, a North Korean factory complex that is partly owned by South Korea. America is out of the card.
Just like the American Donald Rumsfeld illegally sent several nuclear devices to North Korea?
As long as authoritarian regimes threaten the prosperity and livelihood of Asia
You're right though, actually. Confucian countries have the worst form of democracy. Technically, South Korea and Japan are as authoritarian as China. Democracy in Asia works only if the dominant party leads its way to self-collapse. (ex. LDP in Japan)
I welcome South Korea and Japan being very honest to themselves, instead of spewing rhetorics like "DEMOCRACY!". Securing themselves being very honest is a very Confucian approach.