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(#13 (permalink))
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sarasi (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 248
Join Date: Jun 2009
08-10-2009, 12:23 AM

There are actually 3 tectonic plates involved, right near Tokyo.

Last night's earthquake was the biggest we have felt in Tokyo since about 2006, when there was a slightly bigger one- that was the only time I have had stuff fall off shelves in an earthquake here, although I have felt many, many smaller ones. Luckily I was outside when the earthquake happened last night, in an area with no tall buildings around. Friends who were on upper floors of taller buildings got quite shaken up.

To the person above who said that Tokyo won't have an earthquake like the "Anshin" Earthquake (actually Hanshin), you are quite wrong. It has had earthquakes like that many times, most recently in 1923 (Tokyo was almost completely destroyed), and on average every 60 years of its history, so it is quite overdue. Tokyo is actually far more likely to have a large earthquake than the Kobe area.
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