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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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08-10-2009, 12:44 AM

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
I see it as a very good idea because it will reorganize the South Korean government to a better transparent government.
So it's America's fault that South Korea lacks transperancy? That sounds absurd.

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
At least the Chinese parliament, despite being a single party, is more functional. South Korea often lock the parliament to pass laws and policies after that idiotic corrupted pro-American president came into power.
You're talking about one administration. And I think we have different ideas as to what is functional.

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
Your perspective is laughably limited. Go read some South Korean articles.
Oh FFS... My point was that you seem to have isolated a particular issue when there are much broader things to take into account. It's kind of like the way Americans say Japan started World War 2 as though nothing before that mattered.

Oh you're talking reactors.

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
And Japan has a single dominant party system for how long? Checks and Balances system doesn't guarantee when it is a single dominant party system like Japan and indirectly South Korea. South Korea's case is wee bit different.
I think you haven't understood what I've said. The checks and balances being the mechanisms in which Japanese people are able to have a say in things including the legal system. As I see it in China... people have very little say if at all.

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
See South Korea today. Do you think it really works? Democracy IS the worst political form for Asia because of our culture.
My point was that it works better than Burma, better than China, better than Vietnam.. all authoritarian regimes and I justify that by pointing to the living standards and economic prosperity these countries have. China's new found wealth is due to liberalisation of Chinese society. Liberalisation which the Chinese government is actually catiuous of despite recognising the necessity of it.

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
Only applies to West that superimposes its culture and thinking to other non-Western countries.
Ideas don't have nationalities. Not all Asians would agree with you that Democracy has no place in Asia. In fact

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
And that's true because confucianism has primarily a meritocratic kernel. And democracy is poorly a meritocratic system.
Aside from the fact that the point you're trying to make doesn't address mine.... Meritocratic? Who decides what merit is? Democracy is more meritocratic because merit is decided by the people's interests.

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
This is why I limited to Asia (more specifically East Asia). I don't think that is a problem.
I drew parallels with other regions because your argument is exactly the same. Or don't you think the Middle East and Africa have cultures?

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
Of course. This is why East Asia should never become democratic. I call it meritocracy.

Confucian political value =/= authoritarian.
Again... you make the mistake of thinking that merit is something that is decided from above. You know Robert Mugabe makes a similar argument.

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
Only applied to the West. You see, I never criticize the West having democracy. Don't twist my words.
No I'm well aware of what you're saying. I've heard similar arguments before. I've also heard counter arguments to that too.. and guess where the counter arguments came from? They came from Asia. Former SK President Lee writes a good essay on why the argument that democracy can't work in Asia is erroneous.
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