08-10-2009, 02:02 AM
It was a pretty good earthquake, and it picked a pretty bad time to hit. At the time I was developing film, and it hit just as I was pouring developer from my developing tank back into it's storage container. I couldn't stop or pause because the process is time sensitive, and I didn't want to lose the pictures I had taken earlier in the day. It's hard to pour liquids when the room is shaking and the pots and pans are swinging around on their hangers.
A friend of mine was on Skype from Tochigi and said it felt strong there, my gf was in Kunitachi and said it hit pretty hard there as well.
It seems there was no real damage, and no one was hurt. The rains today seem to be causing much more trouble. Many roads and train tracks are flooded, and JR train service to Northern Japan has been delayed.