I see no points of keep discussing as we totally have very bipolar opinions.
Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
but how do you think Japan's incompetent government is going to change? What's that??? democratically I hear you say? Yeah I thought so. You seem to be taking the group harmony aspect of Asian society as grounds to justifying authoritarianism.
You know, you could get my point easily without generating more red herring.
Because I exposed your inability to take into account the bigger picture?
No, because you don't have the patience to look into the non-western side of the world with a non-western perspective.
I now know you're tactic when you want to retreat from a discussion without looking like a tard.
A tard? Another ad hominem. Man, do you really have to insult someone to present your points? Try not to degrade yourself for a change.
I see no reasons to keep this debate because of some New Zealander keeps insulting.
No wonder a lot of people avoid you here in this forum.
Anyway to answer your comment: not really. You know we have this same or similar discussions over and over again, right? It seems that you keep insisting that you can only think in one way like a Borg from Star Trek. I try to diversify my opinion because I already know that my beliefs and opinions are very unpopular (hence I said, "You see, I never criticize the West having democracy") but still maintain my core opinion.
But hey, I can see your epic intolerance of my opinion that you really have to insult someone. Even before this discussion with you, I said to myself "this will not end well because we already have this massive difference of opinion in the first place".
What's the point of you arguing with me several times when you already know the outcome? Do you want to keep doing this again and again, so I can have the justifications to say you are a fool to others and the rest of my Chinese buddies?
In your perspective, don't you see the Hegelian notions in our discussions (remember what we discussed about this last time)?
As a Korean, I would say semi-comically: 지랄하네~