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(#246 (permalink))
Seanus (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 215
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08-10-2009, 09:41 AM

I wonder how some Americans would feel if an atomic bomb was dropped in one of their big cities. America largely sided against them in the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88. Oh, that's a long time ago? Well, so was the first Gulf War with Hussein and Bush jnr was finishing off unfinished business.

YouTube - If Americans Knew 23: Obama & Iran(see details), this is from Scott Ritter, former UN Chief Weapons Inspector for 7 years. He talks of general compliance and the lack of an imminent threat. The international community largely agrees. It's Neocons and Zionists that spread barefaced lies.

I just hope that Russia keep up the rhetoric of deterrence.

Yeah, predator drones are effective and were long overdue. Bush generally respected the territorial integrity of Pakistan but that hampered the war effort. They couldn't admit to their mistake of making Pakistan and their hideous ISI an ally. They missed the tribal areas, the hubs of Taliban activity. It was a fraudulent effort, skipping the centre of action. At least the drones are striking their targets. Obama is fixing things, I agree.

As for your pictures, MANY firemen spoke out, as did FBI people. I don't think you are aware of just how many people spoke out against the official version.

Listen to Coleen Rowley and Sibel Edmonds. Here's the first, YouTube - U.S. Intelligence 9/11 and Iraq: A Whistleblower's Story. There are hundreds of links on History Commons. Time and time and time again, warnings were ignored, even from the highest level of intel of MANY nations. Then again, you don't want to read those things probably.

YouTube - Cultures of War: Pearl Harbor Hiroshima 9/11, 1.5hrs on Pearl Harbour. I'm gonna watch it and then form opinions.

Last edited by Seanus : 08-10-2009 at 10:02 AM.
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