Originally Posted by Sitron
I just started learning Japanese and frequent Japanese boards like /jp/ on 4chan.org - what I've noticed is that unlike France or Germany, Japanese culture attract really, really weird foreign people.
Don't mistake me, I love Japanese culture. But all the pedophiles, cartoon nerds, lonely bitter misogynists, racists that think that the Japanese are some kind of super-race, and freaks who want to become Japanese almost made me learn Spanish instead.
Why do you think that Japanese culture attracts the attention of so many social retards, nerds, pedophiles, NEETs, and freaks in general?
I seen that alot. I like the Japanese culture, but im not that into anime and manga. I do watch it but not alot. Before taking Japanese in college, my friends want it to bet that the majority of that class will be otakus.He was right, the first day of class most of the students were otakus They were all cosplaying and others with anime shirts. I was like wtf.

When the teacher arrived, he told them that there will no anime in the class and just pure japanese culture in here. The next day, they were fewer people in the class.

Its funny how some people think Japan is a fairyland. Japan is just like any other country.