08-11-2009, 07:21 PM
I have been trying to learn as much Japanese as possible.
I first started taking Japanese at a college during my senior year of high school. I really enjoyed it, so I enrolled in the second year Japanese summer class. That was killer. Three hours of Japanese a day, five days a week in addition to tons of homework. But hey, I enjoyed it, so I fought on. Then after summer, being accepted into the university that I had been taking Japanese classes at, I continued with my studies and took the third year Japanese class.
In addition to the classroom, I have been actively seeking other ways to improve my Japanese. There were Japanese events on campus that I went to, I participated in a language exchange with a Japanese person who was in the states for a few months, and I even went to a language camp for a weekend to be a counselor and help high school students learn and improve their Japanese.
I would say for two years time, that isn't bad. Next up on the agenda is a year long study abroad in Japan starting in September.