Originally Posted by xneehux
Thats why im on here, if i wanted i could have gone and got it done today without full knowledge of what it actually means. And who said i wouldnt thank anyone? I've already thanked someone who helped me , and i will thank the next person who helps me. I knew what i wanted from the start, I just didnt want a sentence so a symbol was perfect.
I didn't say you specifically, I was just pointing out why this is a touchy subject.
I still put a lot of stress on the
artists. You may fully understand it, but if they don't, they might get a stroke wrong unless you have drawn it out exactly as you want it, and have them copy it perfectly. Even then, its not guaranteed.
Yeah, most tattoos I've seen in Saskatoon and Calgary have been the usual lower back/arm tribal tattoos. Scripts in general don't appear to be popular.
Edit 2: Better English!