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(#78 (permalink))
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Deviruu (Offline)
Posts: 112
Join Date: Jul 2009
08-12-2009, 09:37 AM

Originally Posted by Quailboy View Post
I can either.

A. Go to an Alt school full of Juvinile Delinquants, dumb kids and prego girls.
And have my mind completely turned to mush by re-learning crap I already know or will never use in my life-time.

B. Get kicked out of my house next month the day I turn 17.

In either situation, I have to get a job considering that I have about $800-900 in fines to pay off.

Now, for a short amount of time I'm going to have to go back to this school because of the probation I'm likely to get..My Life Is A Mess.
I would consider the first option like many others have said. Withstand some preg chickahs and dumb children. I obviously don't know your story, but for your safety, so on, so on I say just go with plan A.
Once it's done, it's done. I do hope that you get through your issues smooth sailing.
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