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(#4 (permalink))
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Ponpon (Offline)
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08-12-2009, 10:42 PM

Ok Samurai007's answer made me feel a lot better
but seriously.. :P huntsman spider
you named the spider I am most scared of! you even got lucky it was the size of your hand, they can grow MUCH larger?! xP
If i'd ever run into one of those inside my house i'd.. i'd have to just move to another house ='|

I was trapped inside a room for over 3 hours once coz there was a garden spider (2 cm.. ) next to the door. I didn't go any closer than 4 meters, can you imagine what i'd do when i see one of those huntsman beasties

anyway thanks for the replies, i'll just have to try and get over it i guess ;P
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