Originally Posted by Nyororin
Daddy long legs are not spiders. They just look like them.
They have no fangs and no silk glands - and no way to hurt you. They`re also omnivorous and will eat plant material just as readily as insects.
I don`t like bugs in general, but for some reason like those guys. They really are totally harmless, and kind of cute (to me) with that tiny little body and long awkward legs.
I have yet to see a single one of them in Japan - but supposedly there are types of them living here.
I have seen some pretty scary spiders though - and I`m not really afraid of them unless they`re freaking huge. I even LIKE the ones with webs outside our place - cuts down the number of bugs that get in. But if it`s the size of my hand, I`m pretty likely to scream.
As for the little lizards, I love them. They are incredibly cute. They`re actually a type of gecko, and are also totally harmless. The in-laws have tons of them inside during the fall and winter (they don`t like the cold), and I`ve even had one fall on me from the ceiling.
I usually catch them (with my bare hands) and put them outside. Their jaws are small and weak, so even though they often try to bite me in defense, it`s like a very weak pinch with zero pain involved.
Well, I certainly learned something today.
Brave, lady! I've tried that whole "name it, have it be your pet, be friends" smidge. My little Dorothy ran away.
Then having to see three corner my bed ( which rests against a corner in itself) got me scared of those little buggers all over again.
Oh, lizards... reminds me of when I was little, lifting up logs to find little salamanders skitter away. Childhood.
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Originally Posted by Ponpon
It's probably coz of my mom, someone once told me that children who see their parents get really freaked out about something they can take over that behaviour of fear =p and my mom used to petrify when she saw spiders
Heh~ I think my mom got me scared of spiders, too.
I'll hear that word of wisdom ring "They're more scared of you, than you are of them". Bull.
They're not the ones running away. I am. They're the ones creeping down from the ceiling in front of my face.