Originally Posted by bELyVIS
This is exactly why America is going to Hell. No one watches or teaches their kids and the kids are raising themselves and learning their behaviors from other kids in the streets. My mother stayed home until the youngest was almost finished with high school and we turned out pretty good if I say so myself. No unwanted pregnancies, no jail time, no gangs, no killings, etc.
I wish more people thought like you, America could be great again. Raising good kids is all of our futures. I am afraid to think about what will happen when I get old now. I'm glad you are comfortable in your very important role as mother and homemaker. 
It's definitely important to raise children properly and make sure they understand the values of whichever society they live in.
However, it's not only the woman's role to raise the child. Fathers are important too, and I'm sure children can benefit from stay-at-home dads just as much as stay-at-home moms.
Why should only women risk their futures and lives in these economic societies?