Originally Posted by mercedesjin
I'm talking about economic value.
I agree with you guys when it comes to Japan's cultural value. I think it's beautiful that value is placed on the home, and raising children. I don't agree that only women should play that role, but it's wonderful that the person who takes care of the house is valued more in Japan than in the USA.
That's just cultural value, though. What happens when the main breadwinner decides that he/she wants to claim all of the money he/she has made? What happens when the person who stayed home without a job is screwed over and doesn't have a place to live anymore, or money to buy essential needs? Like I said, I haven't read of this happening in Japan, but I've read many cases of this in the USA - and not only with women/men partners, but men/men and women/women. Regardless of gender, the person who stayed at home didn't make enough money to have a say in what happened after the couple split up.
Cultural value is a beautiful thing, but so is survival. It's not fair that society places women into roles with no economic value and men into one of economic value.
Where I live in the USA a lot of value is placed on stay-at-home mothers.
I suppose the hypothetical situation you present happens, and it is awful, and this is why there are courts and alimony. Just because a woman is a stay-at-home mom doesn't mean she doesn't have marketable skills.