Originally Posted by bELyVIS
You act like black people, or of African descent (which no longer makes sense since I met a white African the other day), were the only race ever enslaved. There are still slaves of all races to this day. And unless you are still a slave, you have the same opportunities as I do in America and thanks to "Affirmative Action" in some cases better than others. So how have you been destroyed? Again, we all make our own opportunities.
I don't think their history is more painful than others, they just choose to keep reminding everyone of it. Why is it OK for a black person to use the "N" word but if a white does it they are a racist? It would be better if we just left the history in the past and everyone quit playing the victim game and quit using all racial slurs.
I'm sorry that it doesn't make any sense to you. Because of the context - the fact that I'm speak of black people who have been taking from Africa as slaves - I meant, "African descent" as in black people here in the USA.
Why have we been destroyed?
(WARNING: The above is an image that really isn't for the faint of heart.)
Emmett Till, an example who why black people have been destroyed in America. Don't know who he is? Look him up.
According to an article:
African-Americans, even today, over 30 years after the civil rights movement, are oppressed in many ways.
-African-Americans numbered about 34.2 million in 1997, making up 12.8 Percent of the total U.S. population, according to tabulations released by the Commerce Department's Census Bureau (Feb. 7, 2000)
-The income of 2.1 million African-American families (26 percent) was below the poverty level.
-Incidents of racial hate crime reported to the police, by bias motivation in 1998 was 4,468. The highest number was reported by African-Americans: 2,901.
-Between 1975 and 1997, African-Americans had the highest unemployment rate.
-African-Americans aged 12 and up are the most victimized group in America. 41.7 over 1,000 of them are victims of violent crimes, compared with whites (36.3 over 1,000). This does not include murder.
Here's another interesting link:
Statistics of Racism
In my opinion, it isn't all right for anyone to use "nigger." The black people who say that they can are victims of ignorance. I also don't believe that any of this should be left in the past.
Do you think that the Holocaust is something that should be left in the past?
Perhaps it would make you more comfortable if we forgot. Perhaps it would make Neo-Nazis more comfortable if we forgot about the Holocaust. Either way, it's not going to happen because it's a part of our history and it's been ignored for too long. It's something that we still need to learn from today.
If you didn't like being reminded of our history, then why did you come into and reply to this thread?
A couple of other things for you to glance through:
Racism 2009
You may be more racist than you think, study says - CNN.com