08-13-2009, 09:28 PM
JackIsLost:Historically, it was used to refer to people owned by slaves - people who were dark skinned. That's today's definition, right? Because yeah, not many black people are slaves in the USA these days.
Barone1551: My thing, using ethnic slurs will reflect a society in which racism still exists. Meaning that not everyone will have the same opportunities.
Megabyte117: Why do you think black people "always pull the racial card?" Also, though slavery no longer exists, the idea that black people are inferior is not.
Nathan: Oh, I wish you had posted it. I'm all for off-topic posts if it brings up interesting information, and frankly, I don't know enough about the racism against Native Americans today.
BoyFromTheFuture: That's a nice, optimistic outlook - except racism still exists today. Yeah, you're right. We should be thankful that we can use the same water fountains, bathrooms, schools, etc. Still, racism today is a lot more subtle. Have you heard of Henry Louis Gates Jr. and the controversy surrounding him lately? Or the pool in Pennsylvania? There's a lot these days showing how subtle racism is these days.