Thread: The N-Word
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Kandierain15 (Offline)
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08-13-2009, 10:30 PM

Originally Posted by alanX View Post
Hmm... I've got to agree with you. You didn't have to be this blunt, but I'm sure this is what everyone's thinking.

These words will always be here, so no point in even acknowledging them.
Negro is not a racial slur. It's a term used to refer to black people. Just because some people used it as a racial slur sum 100 years ago, doesn't mean that's what everyone means when they say it. You're wrong.

"My thing, using ethnic slurs will reflect a society in which racism still exists. Meaning that not everyone will have the same opportunities."

Racism does still exist, why act like it doesn't? I don't understand why people such as yourself try to beat around the bush. Racism is always going to exist everywhere. In the nicest way I can possibly say this, get over it.

"Why do you think black people "always pull the racial card?" Also, though slavery no longer exists, the idea that black people are inferior is not."

Hmmm... are you serious? You are a perfect example. Coming on to a forum about Japan and talking about racism. We weren't talking about racism before you came. So why bring it up? You want a reform, yet you keep bringing up the same thing over and over. Why not let it die? You're wrong.

"That's a nice, optimistic outlook - except racism still exists today. Yeah, you're right. We should be thankful that we can use the same water fountains, bathrooms, schools, etc. Still, racism today is a lot more subtle. Have you heard of Henry Louis Gates Jr. and the controversy surrounding him lately? Or the pool in Pennsylvania? There's a lot these days showing how subtle racism is these days."

You're exactly right. It does still exist today. Why even say it? It's like saying "The grass is green." or "Airplanes fly." Of course they do. And of course racism is. There are some races that I don't particularly care for. It's not a flaw in being black, or white, or Jewish, or Mexican, it's a flaw in being a human. And a flaw that will always be here. No matter how liberal you want to be, this will never change.

So please...... just give up.
whoa. Umm... hate to burst your bubble, but I've seen so many white people pull the racial card too. Trust me, when I say that just because it was used years and years ago as a way to describe African americans, doesn't make it right. It's like saying that the word GAY is ok to use to someone because it was used to long ago. Same with queer. (gay=happy and queer=weird) ((Just in case))
