Thread: The N-Word
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(#94 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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08-13-2009, 11:06 PM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
But isn't that just your opinion? What if there's someone who is offended by being called "white trash"? What if there's a white man or woman on this forum that grew up as an outcast because they were white? Would you still think that, because you don't find it offensive, it doesn't matter?

There are words that are more offensive than others. That's something I've learned. At the same time, it also depends on the person. You might not find "white trash" offensive, but there are people who do.
Of course it's my opinion.

And to quote you, "Has that actually happened, or are you speculating again?" I am not going to worry about the possibility of a white person who grew up as an outcast being offended by a word that has never been used here before today. When that person comes she can make her feelings known to me and we will work it out then.

Somebody must have thought I am reasonable and sensible enough to make these kinds of decisions, or I wouldn't be a mod.