Originally Posted by mercedesjin
So true. And Italians and Irish weren't even considered white, a few decades ago. They were attacked and insulted because they were immigrants and not considered "Americans." White people have had their fair share of history too, of course. Everyone has had a history of pain and suffering.
But, it's interesting, isn't it? Italians and Irish were accepted into the "white" population so that white people could have more people on their side against people of color. Isn't that kind of funny, how one group of people can be considered another race? In Brazil, it's not as simple as "black" and "white." I wouldn't be considered the same race as my mother if we lived there, because she has a lighter shade of skin than me.
Sorry for the random trivia. I just think it's interesting.
alanX: It's true and sad. I don't know if this is really about who is to blame, though. I'm not saying that black people are to blame for suffering and pain. I'm not saying that white people are to blame for suffering and pain. All I'm saying is that it happened, and that we're still healing.
burkhartdesu: That gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.
Now, you say "we're" like every single black person on the face of the planet is still butthurt about it like you are.
Not true at all. Get Over It