Thread: The N-Word
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08-14-2009, 12:10 AM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
They're just kids, and a reflection of the pool's "standards." A child of color, as a result, asked his mother, "Am I too dark to be here?" It's not something the 60-odd children could laugh off. They were hurt.

What do you think of the experiment with little black children who are given dolls - one black, one white - and who are asked, "Which do you think is prettier?" The result of the two experiments - one back in the 1960s, the other in a more recent time - shows a tragic mindset of the black children, as they pick the white doll. Is that something to be laughed off?

Racism leads to genocides. Think of the Sunday school children who were killed in a bombing, simply because they were black.

The Holocaust.


There are ethnic battles in China still today, ethic battles in which people are killed. Thankfully, in the USA - except for the various scatters of attacks - there isn't as much physical violence as there was once. These days, people in the USA are more focused on self-esteem and subtle racism. Racism needs to be smothered completely. If ignored and allowed to rise to the level it once was, then it WILL return to genocide.
I seriously hope you dont think that the world will have another Holocaust or genocide will ever rise again in developed countries.
And beauty is in the eye of the beholder , if the black kids chose the white doll , then they think its prettier. I think people should be honest to themselves more than anything.
Racism has been declining steeply in the past century , and it will continue to do that , hopefully til one day it doesnt exist , but unfortunately , theres nothing you and I could do about it to actually stop it.
IMO , lead by example , would be good , if more black people werent such shitcunts (sorry for my language) , less people would be racist. NOT TO SAY THAT THEY SHOULD BE RACIST IF A LOT OF THEM ARE INDEED IDIOTS , im just saying. oh and I'm black (just so i dont get unnecessarily flamed).