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Hoshi342 (Offline)
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08-14-2009, 05:47 AM

Hi!! i just got back from Japan a few weeks ago. i went with a student ambassador group and had so much fun

I would definately recommend going to Tokyo, Hirado, Nagasaki, & Kyoto. these were only some of the places we went.

um..sightseeing...Mt. Fuji is great, also if you were to just walk around the streets of Tokyo i'm sure you would see quite a lot of interesting things XD Also the Harajuku shopping district is a really good place for shopping (although i did not get to explore all of it :[). Hirado is extremely small in comparison as it is only a town, but all of the people there are nice =D i would recommend going to the Hirado Castle & climb to the top..the view is beautiful as Hirado is right on the Sea of Japan. in Hirado there is also a tradtional hotel (ryokan) called Kishotei which we stayed at, and is absolutely AMAZING!!! they have hot springs there which was totally fun & it is a very nice hotel. In Nagasaki i definately recommend (im saying that a lot, arent i? lol oh well) visiting the Nagasaki Bomb Museum. there is also a Chinatown & 100 Yen store (like our dollar store) which is awesome for shopping. there is also a place called Glover Gardens which is very fun & pretty, and is also right on the they have an amazing gift shop there! XD finally in kyoto i would recommend going to the Gion geisha district. that is, if you dont mind being in an extremely narrow alley packed with cars that nearly run you over. ..thats okay though, because it was fun anyway. :]

also while in japan, go to allllll different kinds of restaurants. and also, there are vending machines with drinks in them EVERYWHERE so try everyhing in them! its a fun time.

and do not forget to have CANDY. japan has the most amazing candy EVER. and also, try the apple juice. its so much freaking better.

haha okay so thats the end to my insanely long comment, hopefully you find it useful andi really hope you get to go to japan cuz it reallyis an amazing place!

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